
  • Strategic development of government/institutional purchasing initiatives to leverage cost-effective businesses into previously high-cost sole-source markets
  • Advocacy services related to open-protocol solutions for Building Automation Controls
  • Training on market development in complex organizations


  • Life-cycle cost analysis of building operation/ maintenance based on plans & specifications
  • Maintainability/Supportability/Repair-ability analysis of design and construction documents
  • General design and construction support related to life-cycle issues
  • Development and review of specifications to limit the need for sole-source bidding on subsequent phases of multi-phase projects.  Specifically in complex areas, such as building automation control systems.


  • Owner advocacy related to Maintainability/ Supportability/Repair-ability during building design and construction
  • Program development for cost-effective life-cycle building operation and maintenance
  • Implementation of Building Asset Preservation into existing Capital Improvement Programs
  • Building Asset Preservation project management
  • Performance Engineering related to Building Asset Preservation projects
  • Assessment and monitoring of sole-source contracts.
  • Development and implementation of alternative purchasing strategies to high-cost sole-source contracting arrangements
  • Training on Life-Cycle Engineering and Purchasing Policy change.